LDAY Centre for Learning is a non-profit organization dedicated to increasing awareness of learning differences, and supporting children, youth, and adults with learning difficulties or disabilities. LDAY provides leadership through advocacy, education, programs, and services.
At LDAY, our decision-making, actions, and relationships are guided by four core values: Respect, Empowerment, Innovation, Integrity.
Formerly known as the Learning Disabilities Association of Yukon, we have been supporting Yukon learners of all ages since 1973.
“LDAY is a vital part of the Yukon community. It provides an invaluable service to society by helping unlock the talents and contributions of people who think outside the conventional cognitive box.”
We amplify the voices of people with learning differences and their families. This can mean attending meetings with school-based teams, providing resources to teachers, working with the Department of Education when we identify gaps, or bringing issues to the attention of the media.
Our education efforts are multifaceted. We conduct workshops for families, workplaces, clubs, and schools. We match students with tutors. We train our tutors in structured literacy and multi-sensory math approaches. We sometimes even appear on radio or in the news to reach the wider public.
Our Tutor Program consists of a pool of qualified tutors who can assist students. Students who require extra support are matched with a tutor to fit their needs.
Camp Raven runs during March Break and over the summer.Our camp experience provides a higher ratio of adults to children, to support campers who might not thrive in a traditional camp setting.
Our Adult Learning Services provides support to adults who are going to school, looking for employment, or who need to develop their executive function skills.
AURORA Workshops are professional development workshops for adults. We take the brain science and education research that has helped our families and package them into workshops to help people work better.
LDAY also partners with a visiting psychologist to offer several Assessment Clinics throughout the year for children, youth, and adults.
In addition, families can meet with our team members for consultation or dyslexia screening.
LDAY Centre for Learning is committed to working toward learning environments that are decolonized and anti-racist, that are not only inclusive, but that invite and celebrate the diverse culture, ethnicity, race, gender, sexuality, backgrounds, and neurodiversity of learners of all ages.
We will continuously ask ourselves questions — and move toward answers:
Whose voices are being heard and whose are missing?
What do we know and how do we know it?
What don’t we know and how can we learn more?
Does our Board of Directors and staff team represent our communitiy?
Do the people we work with (tutors, camp staff) share these values?
Gwänaschis, merci, thank you for your
support and participation on this journey.