Snowshoe Fest 2025
Join us for LDAY's 8th Snowshoe Fest!
We'll have 2.5km and 5km loppet trails marked for you to explore the sunny trails of Biathlon Yukon. And new this year: Ecoaims (optical shooting devices, no live ammo or loud noises) will be available to use for the true biathlon experience!
The gates (on Grey Mountain Road) will open at 1:00pm. The "races" will start at 1:30pm. Snowshoers of all ages are welcome to participate at their own level: competitive, leisurely, whatever feels right! Following the snowshoeing, we'll have snacks and hot drinks around a campfire.
Register in advance here.
This fun, all ages event, all skills level event is a fundraiser for LDAY's camp programs. Your donations are greatly appreciated!
For more information, contact Stephanie: ed@LDAYukon.com, 668-5167.

Better Sleep for Kids
Clinical Psychologist, Dr. Jessica Engle, will help parents/guardians develop a better understanding of sleep health and learn practices the whole family can use to achieve better rest. In person at LDAY Centre for Learning or online via Zoom.
To register for in person participation: email Stephanie at ed@LDAYukon.com
To register for online participation: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/vRgorzZnQPWATcGg_00PaQ

Awards Gathering
LDAY’s annual celebration of our hard working learners and educators. Please consider nominating an educator (tutor, teacher, EA) or a student for this year’s gathering! Here is our nomination form.
We’ll gather in the meeting rooms at the Whitehorse Public Library with light refreshments.

The LDAY Centre for Learning AGM will be Monday, July 24 at 5:00pm on Zoom. To join in or for more information, please contact Stephanie: ed@LDAYukon

Welcome to Your Child's AHDH Brain
Join Aaron Bailey as he provides a glimpse into his life as a person living with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), a Learning Disability (LD), Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) and depression. Aaron speaks candidly about his multiple disabilities and provides insight into how your child might be feeling too!